
Sri Bhagavan said : "I shall discuss once more the supreme wisdom, the best of all wisdoms, acquiring which all sages have attained highest perfection, being liberated from this mundane existence" Bhagawat Geeta Ch.14-1

The Advaita Page (The Doctrine of Non-duality)

Tatvavada (The Doctrine of duality)

Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sarada Peetham

Chinmaya Mission

Swamy Sivananda's Page

Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi's page

The Society of Abidance in Truth

Swamy Paramahamsa Yogananda's page

The divine life society

No amount of study is of any avail. Fulfil the reading with meditation. Through meditation crawl up to the arena of joy and peace. There is the Topmost Tower we shall meet away from all disturbances. Come I am waiting for you. - Swamy Chinmayananda

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